
The New Home Missionary Baptist Church Drama Ministry

The DRAMA MINISTRY PURPOSE:  The New Home Missionary Baptist Church Drama Ministry Purpose is drafted directly from our church mission statement.

“Our purpose is to visually demonstrate the Love and Power of Christ by presenting a spiritual ministry using the visual and performing arts, hear after referred to as DRAMA MINISTRY.  The purpose is to touch all human life, beginning at our church home first, with the mission to overflow and impact our communities that desperately need Spiritual Light.  Through the New Home MBC Drama Ministry we will demonstrate our love of him, and his love for us; He who gave Himself for us, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by performing the religious service of presenting spiritual and inspirational plays, dramas, skits, musicals, and programs.  IT’S ALL ABOUT HIM!”

Drama Ministry presents skits, programs, and presentations that include, but are not limited to;

  • Martin Luther King Prayer Breakfast
  • Black History Month
  • Resurrection Day
  • Women’s Fellowship
  • Christmas Pageant


New Home’s Drama Ministry presentations are presented at other churches and in the community as well, to reach and teach about God’s goodness and how being connected to HIM impacts our daily living. Participation is open to all age groups. 


The DRAMA MINISTRY is yet another vehicle offered at NHMBC for Christians to “stir up the gifts” of praise. It provides an opportunity to share the talent that GOD has blessed; to give HIM glory, honor, and praise.

New Home Missionary Baptist Church

Sundays 10:00 a.m.

Our hours of worship are Sundays 10:00 AM

We have in-person services at the church and online services too.

Bible Study is on Wednesday 7:00 PM via ZOOM