New Home is now open to worship in person. We invite members, friends, and family to join us for a spirit-filled service (in person). God has seen us through the pandemic. Let us worship Him in Spirit and in truth. ( We ask that your please Pre-Register Click Here if you would like to attend) Sun, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PDT
Sunday Morning
Praise & Worship @ ………………. 10:00 am
Wednesday Evening
Prayer & Bible Study Onlikne ZOOM ……….. @ SEE Click Here
6612 Woodbine Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95822
Phone: (916) 422-2138
Transportation (916) 873-7940
Virtual Online Bible Study on Wednesdays
Contact the church secretary for ZOOM time and connection information Phone: (916) 422-2138
Come to church? Need A Ride Call Our Van Ministry.
For transportation, please call (916) 873-7940 to leave a message by Saturday before 8:00 p.m. to ensure you will be picked up.
Please specify Sunday School or Morning Worship Service. You may also call the Church at 916-422-2138 between 10:00 a.m. and 1:45 p.m., Tuesday thru Friday.