More than sixty years ago, Reverend Moses Gipson was called by God to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After serving ten years as a minister at St. Paul MBC, God placed a vision in his heart to organize a church.
On Friday, September 15, 1965, Pastor Gipson, his family and Rev. Johnson met at the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church to begin the process of organizing a church.

The first meeting document states that eight initial members were present: pastor Moses Gipson, Sis. Aquilla Gipson, his wife. (She went home to glory September 8th, 2017), Mr. William Laws and Miss Joyce Gipson were among those eight. At this meeting a consensus was reached to name the church New Home Missionary Baptist Church (NHMBC).
On Sunday, September 22, 1965, the Rising Star Baptist Church, under the leadership of Rev. H. L. Wade, hosted the first service of NHMBC. In February of 1966 the NHMBC Congregation moved into the Veterans Hall. This was the first independent place they could call home. Later the move to the Seventh Day Adventist Church on 33rd and 3rd avenue in Sacramento was made.
NHMBC was blessed with additional Ministers: Rev. Miller, Rev. Robinson, Rev. Jenkins, Rev. Herman Haynie and Rev. Ruffin, all of whom assisted Pastor Gipson.
A blessing from God was evident when Pastor Gipson saw a “For Sale: sign posted on the corner of 51st and Woodbine., His immediate thought was “someday we will build a church on this property.”
A groundbreaking ceremony was led by Rev. Joseph Williams (Greater Light Baptist Church) and Rev. Tillman Wade (First Baptist Tabernacle Church) on August 10, 1967.
The NHMBC Family proudly marched from 33rd Street and 3rd Avenue on July 14, 1968 to their new permanent home: 6612 Woodbine Avenue, Sacramento, CA.
It was under the leadership of their first President, Deacon Henry Reese (called to glory September 4, 2018), that NHMBC organized and formed the Corporation Committee in February 1970.

After the passing of Pastor Moses Gipson (October 18, 1978), his successor, Rev. Jasper Ruffin (called to glory December 29, 2018) was installed on February 13, 1979. Pastor Ruffin resigned after twelve (12) years of service, 1979-1991.

Reverend John C. Rogers was appointed as Interim Pastor. In September 1996, construction was nearly complete on a new wing, the church had just celebrated it’s 31st Anniversary when an arsonist torched and reduced the structure to charred rubble.
The building was destroyed, but not the church. Services continued and in March of 1997, a Reconstruction Groundbreaking Ceremony was held.
The NHMBC moved into the new building on November 30, 1997. The church purchased a van and implemented a Van Ministry.
Under the Roger’s leadership, membership increased, and ministers were ordained.
The included: Ministers Arthur Jones, Karif Lawrence, LaMont House, Timothy Wellington, Isreal Lorant (went to glory February 5, 2014) and Evangelist Sophia Clark.
Pastor Rogers served for seventeen years and retired on March 31, 2010.
Pastor Emeritus John Rogers was called home to Glory on November 14, 2014.
His faithful helpmate, Emeritus First Lady Billie f. Rogers joined him in glory on April 11, 2016.